Choose your channels:
Email subscribers
Push Notification subscribers
Phone numbers
Build multi-channel audiences
Get subscription rates above 7% with Push Notifications, Newsletter subscribers and Phone numbers.
“We got 60% growth with Pushnews when comparing with our previous tool.”

Gatilho: Abandono de Carrinho
Condição: Aguardar 3 horas
Engage with automated wokflows
Reach more than 6% CTR with targeted messages in your workflows
"Pushnews brought us amazing ROAS results, revenue and conversion. It grew our results more than expected."
Trigger: Cart abandonment
Condition: Wait 3 hours
Engajar com Réguas de Ações
Alcance mais de 6% de taxas de cliques nas réguas de relacionamento.
"O Pushnews nos trouxe resultados incríveis de ROAS, Receita e Conversão e melhoramos muito nossos resultados comparados à antiga ferramenta."
Reach the right people
Engage with your visitors in real time and bring them to specific pages.
"Pushnews helped us to grow loyal user base to our products."